Business intuitive sessions

Give your business an edge.

All intuitive sessions are by Zoom or phone.

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What is a business intuitive?

Intuitive advice for entrepreneurs and executives

Lynn uses her insights and guidance to work through the core issues of your business. In just a single session, you'll receive:

Clarity about your vision, plans and next steps.
Creative marketing ideas for your department, product, service or company.
Insight about partnerships, peers, employees or potential hires.
An intuitive sounding board.
Ideas to create more abundance and prosperity.
How I can help

Your intuitive session

"People with high levels of personal mastery…cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would choose to walk on one leg or see with one eye." —Peter Senge, MIT Sloan School of Management

Many business decisions need to be made quickly. In most cases, logic and analysis can provide only partial answers, or there is inadequate data on which to base a decision.

As a business intuitive, I use my intuition to “tune in” to the core of your business challenge. The insights I get can help you create solutions that enable you to achieve your goals quickly and effectively.

Her tremendous intuitive talent has helped us to be more successful in business – from making better hiring decisions to negotiating the best deals. She is truly gifted.

Executive Vice President, International Advertising, PR and Design Company

Lynn has advised me on both personal and business issues. She has a gift of identifying the undercurrents and hidden agendas in business situations and relationships with people. This in-depth information has helped me make good decisions and enabled me to create a successful business.

Marketing Communications Manager, Fortune 100 Company

We don’t know Robinson’s secret, but droves of her clients wrote in swearing to her prescience.

Boston Magazine

I call her my ‘psychic in a suit.’ She’s the secret weapon to my success!


Lynn is very helpful to me as a sounding board and counselor. Often she can identify a stumbling block or an unspoken concern, reservation or sensitivity that a business associate has. Her insights don’t replace my own observations and analysis of a situation but they add another dimension to my understanding and thus add value in a way that is unique, practical and incredibly useful.

Senior Vice President, International Finance Company