I came across an old Dilbert cartoon recently and it had me chuckling.

Dilbert says, “I wonder if I should rely more on my intuition?”

Dogbert responds, “You mean guessing?”

Dilbert is totally confused! “No. Guessing is different from intuition because of um…”

You can read the rest here.

So, what’s the answer Dilbert could have given?

I thought it might be time to review the basics. So, let’s start with what intuition is. Here are some common answers:

Intuition is:

A tool for quick and ready insight.

A natural mental faculty.

A sixth sense we all possess.

A gut feeling.

A key element in the creative process.

A warning experienced as a tingle up the spine.

A component in problem solving and decision-making.

A deep inner knowing.

A form of guidance and wisdom from God (Infinite Intelligence, Universe...)

How do we receive intuitive information?

To give Dogbert some credit, it does often feel like guessing! It comes to many of us through the vehicle of imagination. Here are some common ways:

Physical sensations - The Japanese call intuition “stomach art.” We call such sensations a “gut feeling.” You might find that your body feels heavy if a decision you’ve made is wrong. Your body may feel light or experience "chills" if it is the correct path for you. How does your body communicate “yes” or “no?”

Inner Voice - Many people report a "still, quiet, inner voice." Your intuition will always communicate with you in a compassionate, loving manner that is perceptibly different from your normal inner chatter. It does take some practice to differentiate guessing, wishful thinking or even fear, from intuition.

Dreams - You can receive a wealth of guidance when you learn to ask for intuitive insight from your dreams. Asking a question before you drift off to sleep is a great way to gain intuitive information. Keep a pad of paper and a pen beside your bed to record your answers.

Emotions - Intuitive information often comes through your feelings or emotions. You may simply “feel right” about a certain course of action. Or you might experience a sense of distrust about an individual or situation. I suggest taking small steps towards what your intuition is indicating. If it continues to feel right, go for it!

Instant knowing - You may receive a sudden flash of understanding. This is sometimes called the “Eureka” effect or an “aha moment.” People often report that these moments of insight come when they least expect it, like when they’re taking a shower, walking the dog or doing the dishes.

Symbols - Intuition often comes to us in symbolic images. It is often said that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” You might receive a symbolic impression of a rocky road if you choose “Path A.” If you choose the alternative “Path B,” you may see a clear, well-paved path in your mind’s eye.

Coincidences and synchronicity - It's been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. When you experience frequent synchronicity you'll know your intuition has led you on the right path.

While I have always wished intuition would proclaim itself in a loud voice, saying, "Here's what you should do," it doesn't. Intuition has its own language; its own code. There is no one right way to hear its guidance. Intuition is a steadfast companion on your path in life; a true friend who wants what's best for you, who is always there, guiding, listening, encouraging — showing you the way to achieve your heart's desire through love and compassion. It resides within you and has been with you always. Trust it and listen to it, even if you feel as if you’re just guessing!