Dear Intuitive Seeker –

It was so gloomy when I woke up this morning. Dark, gray clouds loomed overhead with threats of snow. Ugh! Immediately my thoughts began to follow this low-spirited thread. I began to think disconsolately about the pandemic, the unkind turn the world has taken, a health scare for one of my good friends. I felt the negativity begin to consume my usual upbeat mood.

I decided to simply sit with all of this. Feel into it, not deny it. It didn’t feel good. I felt very “low vibration.” After a few minutes I simply asked myself, “what could I do to feel better?” It’s such a great question to ask one’s intuition.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I immediately became aware of my cat contentedly purring next to me on the bed, and the aroma of fresh coffee my husband had just made. I looked out the window and saw birds happily eating the seeds I had put in the bird feeder the day before. I began to focus on what I wanted versus what I feared. “Keep moving” my inner voice whispered. “All will be well.”

Here are some ideas about how intuition can help you through dark times:

1. Make time for stillness.

So often your intuition is trying to communicate, but you’re not taking time to listen. What could you do today to carve out a few minutes to tune in? A walk? Meditate? Sit quietly to simply daydream? What would work for you to create that moment of peace?

2. Write in your journal.

One of my favorite questions to ask myself and my clients is “If someone could wave a magic wand over you and give you an ideal life, what would that look like?” I understand that this wonderful transformation will not happen immediately! But, thinking and writing about it gives your intuition a clue about how to guide you. Intuition is your inner GPS and you need to give it a destination.

3. Take inspired action.

Intuition will guide you via “aha” moments, an inner voice, a dream, an image or symbolic picture and/or an impulse to do something. We often ignore these nudges because we get scared. What has your intuition been encouraging you to do or try? Is there a small step you could take today? It’s normal to feel at least a little anxious when doing something new. Do it anyway.

4. Pay attention to your thoughts.

What you say to yourself matters. What you focus on expands. If you’re constantly focused on all the tough things in your life right now, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. What are you grateful for? What could you be hopeful for in the future? Those are the thoughts to nurture.

What you say to yourself matters. What you focus on expands. If you’re constantly focused on all the tough things in your life right now, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. What are you grateful for? What could you be hopeful for in the future? Those are the thoughts to nurture.